A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

How to play

1. Connect 2 or more controllers (keyboard not yet supported, currently only XBox controllers are supported)

2. Once everyone is connected, you should all appear in the world as "Guards"

3. One player presses "Select" (the button that isn't Start) and they become the thief, chosen randomly among the crowd.

4. The thief wants to collect all of the trophies, the guards want to catch the thief.

Designed and programmed by NotExplosive

music by Gundatsch - https://soundcloud.com/gundatsch


game.love 3.1 MB
not-who-they-say-they-are.zip 6.8 MB

Install instructions


Download, unzip and run


You'll need to download love2d (from http://love2d.org). This is game engine that the game uses.

Once that's installed, download the `.love` file below, you should be able to just click on it and run.

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