A downloadable tool for Windows

🔵 neato is a convenience tool that is meant to work along side the Machina game engine. More generally it can be used for any Monogame development. It also has utilities that can be used to upload to Steam or Itch which could be useful to anyone.

🔶 This tool was made by NotExplosive to improve his devops and deployment workflows. I do not expect this tool will be useful to anyone else, however I am sharing it and making it open source in case others might find it useful.

🔶 neato is made to run on Windows, but I don't think there's anything stopping it from existing on mac or linux.


neato (win) 26 MB
Version 15 Oct 01, 2021

Install instructions

Download and extract.

Add directory neato.exe lives in to your PATH

Open a terminal

Run `neato status`

If you get a message about steamcmd, go download steamcmd from Steamworks, put that on your PATH also.